Dechen Angmo & Tsewang Gyalson
Village Lasthyang, Aryan Valley
Leh, Ladakh
Lasthyang is a picturesque hamlet located in the small tributary valley to the north of the Indus and northeast of Dah, in the Leh district. Dotted with apricot orchards, it is home to only 90 residents spread across 13 charming houses, the village thrives on agriculture as its primary occupation, and Mrs Angmo and Mr Gyalson champion this culture.
The villagers also contribute to the development of the region by offering their services to the General Reserve Engineer Force (GREF) and the Border Roads Organization (BRO). Far from the hustle and bustle of city life, Lastyangs is an emblem of serenity and tranquility thriving on the foundation of farm life.

Tsering Gangzom & Tashi Nurboo
Village Gurgurdo, Aryan Valley
Kargil, Ladakh
Mrs Tsering Gangzom is from the village of Gurgudo in Ladakh, around 60 kms from Kargil and around 210 kms from Leh. Being in close proximity to the Batalik sector, the village of Gurgudo and its residents were caught in the midst of the Kargil War in 1999. Many of its residents had to take shelter in bunkers or relocate to nearby villages due to the war. Since then, the villagers have slowly moved back to their homes and have once again taken up agricultural activities.
Mrs Gangzom is the mother of four young boys. She grows apricots, grapes, walnuts, barley and many vegetables. She looks after her farms alone, and her husband serves in the central armed police forces. Annually, her farms produce 200-250 kg of apricots and around 50 kg of walnuts.

Tsering Dolma & Tsewang Rigzin
Village Skyurbuchan
Leh, Ladakh
Situated at a distance of 125 kilometers from the city of Leh, Skyurbuchan is situated above the Indus river in western Ladakh. With a population of close to 2000 inhibitants, Skyurbuchan is considered one of the largest villages in Ladakh.
Our farmers, Ms Dolma and Mr Rigzin are one of the elderly farmer couples from the village of Skyurbuchan. They are both above 80 years and are committed to continue their farming practice as long as possible. Mr Rigzin is also a renowned grafter and in his younger days has travelled across Ladakh spreading his knowledge of grafting, helping families have flourishing orchards.

Tsering Dolma & Tsetan Gyalpo
Village Nimoo
Leh, Ladakh
Another married duo of farmers, Mrs Dolma and Mr Gyalpo come from the village of Nimoo, around 40 kms from the town of Leh on the Leh-Srinagar highway.
Being in close proximity to Leh, many of the villagers in Nimoo are stepping out of farming onto other industries like tourism or service. Mr Gyalpo and Mrs Dolma are one of the few remaining farmers to continue their dedicated farming practice. Their farms and orchards produce apples, apricots, walnuts, among others.

Tsering Palzes & Sonam Dorjey
Village Achinathang
Leh, Ladakh
Mr Sonam Dorjey and Mrs Tsering Palzes are a husband-wife team from the village of Achinathang, around 140 kms from the town of Leh. Achinathang is another village in the Sham Valley of Ladakh, popular for its apples and apricots, among other produce.
Achinathang has around 90 plus households and most of them depend on their agri produce for their livelihood. Mr Dorjey and Mrs Palzes produce roughly around 800 kgs of apples and apricots—most of which is sold in the local market.