Behind every product you consume from Ladakh Orchards, there is a farmer working hard in the high mountains of the Himalayas; to bring the most natural farm produce, nourished by pure glacial melt in pristine surroundings, away from any pollutants and chemicals. It is essential that we bring the stories of our farmers to the forefront so that you get a real sense of the power in your purchase: to understand where the produce comes from, how it is grown and tended to, and how your buy can help sustain the lives of our farmers.

Our trail of farmer-families currently runs across 200 kms: starting from the Sham Valley, stretching till the Aryan Valley. This belt is locally celebrated for its superior quality agricultural produce. As we embark on this journey of taking Ladakhi agri produce beyond the mighty Himalayas, we strive to be associated with more and more farmers from different villages of Ladakh, bringing their voices to the world, strengthening our ties, helping them earn a reliable income and making meaningful contributions to each of their lives.

Come say jullay (“hello” in Ladakhi) to our growing family of famers! We hope this will encourage you to forge long-term relationships with Ladakh Orchards.

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